The Soul of Surfing program delivers skills and techniques with our experienced coaches to set you up as an ‘unconsciously able surfer’ – by which we mean you can surf without thinking about it – across three different levels. The only requirement we have to attend our lesson is to be able to swim.
Skill Levels
Our lessons break down into 3 different levels of surfer:
  • The level 1 surfer that is looking to catch their first waves
  • The level 2 surfer who is looking to explore unbroken waves for the first time
  • The level 3 surfer that is looking to improve on their basic manœuvres
We keep our groups small with a maximum ratio of 1:6


 level 1 becoming a beginner surfer Learning to master the whitewater.  A complete beginner or someone who has surfed a few times but is still catching broken whitewater waves.

What will you learn?

  1. The absolute basics in a fun, safe, and encouraging environment.
  2. Safety on the beach and in the white water, how to handle your board, and how to negotiate your way through breaking waves  
  3. Understanding of the beach and ocean environment
  4. We’ll introduce you to your equipment and explain the basics of a surfboard and what that means to you as a surfer
  5. How to catch forgiving waves and how to understand the basics of controlling a surfboard whilst lying on your belly in the prone position
  6. The techniques to get to your feet and how to maintain stability and build on consistency
  7. Basic maneuvers in the white water such as speed and control as well as turning right and left on a wave
  8. Your enjoyment and improvement will come from your willingness to learn and to fail, to focus on play rather than success, and by letting go and not being afraid to fall


level 2: becoming an improver surfer Introducing unbroken waves. You’ll be an improver or an early intermediate, someone who has had some lessons, is catching white water waves regularly, and can perform basic turns left and right. You will also show that you can surf safely. You may have even caught a couple of unbroken waves and are experienced in trimming down the wave.

What will you learn?

  1. Advanced safety, specific to the spots we surf as well as the waves that you may surf at home
  2. We will get specific about your stance, your body position, and how it will affect your rides
  3. We will work with you to improve your pop-up technique
  4. You will improve the efficiency and techniques of paddle strokes enabling you to build on your endurance as well as explosiveness
  5. You will learn how to negotiate the inside-breaking waves and how to paddle out to unbroken waves
  6. You will learn the difference between white water waves and unbroken waves and learn where to position yourself and how to catch a wave before it breaks
  7. You will understand the difference between forehand and backhand or frontside and backside as well as understanding the basics of trimming along a wave


level 3: becoming an intermediate surfer Unbroken waves: how to get more and what to do on them. You will be a high-end intermediate surfer, proficient in the water, able to paddle through waves unassisted, and able to negotiate your way around a lineup. You will be able to catch head-high waves and can trim left and right on a variety of different waves.

What will you learn?

  1. We will search for the best waves of the day and work with you to understand new, more challenging surf spots
  2. We’ll help you work out where your stoke is… long boards, short boards, mid-lengths?
  3. We will help you to maximize your wave count and learn how to find the fastest trimming line as well as what type of maneuvers to perform and when
  4. We will work with you through video analysis sessions to help improve techniques, body positions, position on the wave, bottom turns, top turns, carving turns, cutbacks, and floaters   

What’s in cluded

  • Transfers from Agadir Al-Massira Airport or Agadir Bus Station (minimum 6 night stay)
  • Accommodation at The Surf House
  • All Meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner
  • Surfboard and Wetsuit (soft boards/foamies only)
  • 5x Daily surf lessons with opportunity for independent, supervised practice in the second session
  • Transport to and from surf spots
  • Surf photo or video analysis
  • Excursion:   
    • Paradise valley (min 6 night stay )
    • Agadir Souk El-Had (min 5 night stay)
    • Imsouane day trip with a visit to the dunes (min 6 night stay )          
    • Entry to local Hammam and scrub (min 6 night stay)

Not Included

  • Flights
  • Beach Towels
  • sun cream
  • Travel and Medical Insurance