What We Offer

Our time tested surf coaching methods has showed us that our passion will always be at the heart of our work.

Our Mission

We're committed to promoting surf literacy, fostering a deep understanding of our connection to the ocean. Through education, we empower individuals to steward the marine environment.

Our Vision

Our vision is a world where surfers and ocean enthusiasts are not only skilled in riding waves but also deeply knowledgeable about the ocean and its ecosystems.

Our Values

Respect, connection, and stewardship are core to us. We prioritize respecting the ocean as a vital ecosystem, fostering deep connections to its beauty and power, and taking proactive steps to steward its health.

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Surfing Paradise

Tamraght boasts some of Morocco's best surf spots, with consistent waves year-round, making it a haven for surfers of all levels.


Perfect Waves

Experience a variety of breaks catering to different skill levels, from gentle rollers for beginners to powerful barrels for the more experienced surfers.


Thriving Surf Culture

Immerse yourself in a vibrant surf culture where locals and travelers alike share their passion for the sport, creating a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere.


Stunning Scenery

Surrounded by picturesque landscapes of rugged coastlines and golden beaches, Tamraght offers breathtaking views that enhance every surfing session.

Providing the Ultimate Surfing Experience

Surf Lessons

Proven mechanics have experience that is second to none.

Surf Camp

Proven mechanics have experience that is second to none.

Surf Guides

Proven mechanics have experience that is second to none.


Proven mechanics have experience that is second to none.

Corporate Surf

Proven mechanics have experience that is second to none.

Board Rentals

Proven mechanics have experience that is second to none.

Surf Literacy

‌So, what is this ‘Ocean Literacy’, then?

Ocean Literacy, a term coined by Unesco, describes the symbiotic relationship between us and the ocean, the understanding of its influence on us – and our influence on it.

It encompasses a broad range of topics, including ocean science, policy, and management – and is becoming an increasingly important tool for educators and policymakers alike.

But this term wasn’t dreamed up because humanity has been cognisant or respectful of this reciprocal relationship. Quite the opposite. And we are now all too aware of the danger that faces our oceans. Or we should be.

This article will explore our interpretation of ocean literacy and the tools we use as surfers – to ensure a healthy and thriving planet for generations to come.

‌The air, the water and the food we rely upon to sustain our lives depends upon the continual functioning of highly complex ocean processes

‌Soul & Surf’s 7 Principles of Ocean Literacy

So we’ve nailed down what ocean literacy means, but how can we become ocean literate surfers?

We created a framework that serves as seven basic principles that map out our influence on the ocean and the ocean’s influence on us. As surfers we are well aware of our intrinsic connection to the ocean; it is how we feel stoked (and sometimes frustrated).

We are also exposed, first hand, to environmental changes which could help inform ocean science and policy to employ protection measures. It is both our playground and our sanctuary – upon which our health and happiness depend.

The connection runs deep.

1. The Earth has one big ocean with many features.

Our Blue Planet is 70% water and the ocean contains 97% of this water. It moves around due to the hydrosphere but also interacts with other Earth systems such as the cryosphere (ice cycle), geosphere (rock cycle), pedosphere (soil cycle), lithosphere (tectonic plates), atmosphere (gas cycle) and biosphere (whole Earth System).

4. The ocean made the Earth habitable.

Surfers are exposed to an array of marine life, from phytoplankton to whales. Observing marine species in their natural habitat is one of the unique aspects of surfing, and finding ways to peacefully coexist with them is a learning journey but one all surfers should aim to strive for - it’s their home, after all.

2. The ocean and ocean life shape features of the Earth.

We came from the sea; and so did the land. We still see the effects of this today, particularly whilst surfing waves off volcanic islands or breaking over coral reef.

5. The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.

Surfers are exposed to an array of marine life, from phytoplankton to whales. Observing marine species in their natural habitat is one of the unique aspects of surfing, and finding ways to peacefully coexist with them is a learning journey.

3. The ocean is a major influence on weather and climate.

And with the climate crisis in motion, we will now start to experience extreme weather patterns, affecting our surf season and breaks.

6. The ocean and humans are inextricably interconnected.

The principles that surfers embody. Without ocean waves there would be no surfers. Research has shown that despite having many physical benefits, the biggest motivation for surfing is: “connection to the ocean”.

7. The ocean is largely unexplored.

Which is why we need to learn a lot more about it. The UN have dedicated the following 10 years to ocean science and research. The next step from being literate in ocean processes is collecting data to monitor for changes; or to create change. Spending time in the ocean as a surfer could result in vital knowledge, and by sharing with science and policy, help protect marine environment.